==== Dynamic DNS API ==== You can update your A or AAAA records with a simple HTTP GET request. Basic example: http://api.geoscaling.com/dns2/dynamic/?host=dynamic.nyuu.org This updates the dynamic.nyuu.org subdomain with your auto-detected remote ip. The API uses basic HTTP authentication with your username and password. Example of Linux commands that would update your IP address: lynx -source -auth=USERNAME:PASSWORD 'http://api.geoscaling.com/dns2/dynamic/?host=dynamic.nyuu.org' wget -O - --http-user=USERNAME --http-passwd=PASSWORD 'http://api.geoscaling.com/dns2/dynamic/?host=dynamic.nyuu.org' curl -u $USERNAME:$PASSWORD "http://api.geoscaling.com/dns2/dynamic/?host=ynamic.nyuu.org&content=$IP_ADDRESS" where dynamic.nyuu.org is your own subdomain. Other optional GET variables: * **type** - default is A, can be set to A or AAAA * **content** - default is your remote address, can be set to an IPv4 or IPv6 ip address, depending on the selected type