DDOS attack on GeoScaling and recovery 

Hello again and Happy New Year,

We determined that GeoScaling experienced downtime due to a massive attack on all our IP addresses. The attack was mostly likely targeted towards one of our users, not GeoScaling. Unfortunately the standard response datacenters have when dealing with such large attacks is to null route the servers. This is the reason why all of GeoScaling was down. Normally the system can function even if all but one servers are down.

Going forward we are working on improving our infrastructure. While such an attack might happen again in the future, we are putting a better infrastructure in place to deal with such problems.

Right now all services have returned to normal. We moved two of our nameservers to new datacenters and we expect to continue upgrades throughout January.

We deeply apologize for this situation and we are doing whatever we can to mitigate such events in the future.

Thank you,
The GeoScaling team
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